
May 30, 2018 13:15 Youth Alive

At the gates of a city sat a wise old man. A rich man stopped to ask him: “Wise man, I’ve often heard people talk about this city, of its beauty and wealth, of its marble houses and springs with clear waters, yet I have not heard anything about its people. You who know them for so long,

Five lessons to learn from Albert Einstein

Wednesday, 30 May Youth A.

Albert Einstein is associated with professional excellence and, above all, with genius. Considered an


Four strategies to overcome social anxiety

Wednesday, 30 May Youth A.

From the beginning we mention that social anxiety disorder - or social phobia - is a chronic mental illness


Is your life shattered to pieces? Try … Kintsukuroi!

Tuesday, 17 Apr Youth A.

Are you looking desperately at the shards of your life? Did you break your most beautiful years with



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