
Reviews of the best books
7 June Youth Alive

Luther's legacy. “A mighty fortress is our God”

Martin Luther, a German professor of theology, made public, on 31 October 1517, a list of several ideas in logical succession - known as the Ninety-five Theses. With this letter, he provoked the theological...

7 June Youth Alive

Fern-Seed and Elephants and Other Essays on Christianity

C. S. Lewis' essays draw on two main sources: the Irish author's own concerns about his religion and the challenges generated by the public confrontation between Christianity and the various anti-Christian...

7 June Youth Alive

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

We’re alive. We all exist, and we think that’s nothing short of ordinary. We live life as if it belonged to us, as if it’s our right. We’re so focused on the present moment, the...


Inspirational articles
18 July Youth Alive
7 June Youth Alive
7 June Youth Alive
7 June Youth Alive


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